Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's Back to School Time!

Hello everyone! 
After a very nice Long summer vacation I'm ready to start blogging again.  I don't know what it was but during the month of August something deep down in my soul said "August is no time for work!" So I neglected my blog and its updates. 
Now that it's September I can say that I'm ready to start again with the back to school season!

August was great fun but I seem to have spent much of my time trying to stay cool during the "dog days of summer"  I tell my friends and family living in the US that its been 36 or 37 degrees every day for the past 2 weeks and they cant believe it!

I've started a new back to school morning regimen that should look like this.

7am-wake up
Drink a 500-600ml of water
stretch or exercise
watch "the wife of ge ge ge" (8am)
check my e-mail
see my wife off to work
finish e-mail and do blog!!
start first lessons......

some of you might be wondering why i drink water first thing in the morning.  I'll let you guess for now.  Your hint is "its for health reasons".

see you again soon!