America Hoooo!

Follow me as I travel all over the United States on a fact finding mission and cultural re-immersion.

TOPIC:  Omiyage/souvenirs

America has a very different souvenir culture.  It is not nearly as common to buy small presents or sweets for your co-workers, neighbors, family, or friends the same was that it is in Japan.  Souvenirs are many times are more a kind of memento to help you remember your trip.
It is still nice to take presents to people you go and visit.  At the moment I'm busy trying to think of a list of good souvenirs/presents to take family and friends in America.

Some ideas are:

Junk food and candy
Origami paper
cup ramen
Kawaii- culture goods

Things to bring back from the US included

American Junk food and candy
Comic books
Corn cob holders (as seen here)